Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vegas Excursion

Last weekend there was no church, so we decided to take a quick jaunt down to Vegas. We are planning a mass family vacation for Rian's side of the family later on this year, and we've chosen Vegas as the destination. We thought this little jaunt might be a good time to do some activity and accommodation scoping.

And let's be honest -- Rian and I never need much of an excuse to run down to Vegas. We haven't been since Oliver was born, and we couldn't wait to show him the sites.

When we got up the morning of our trip, we told Oliver we were going to Vegas. "Gaygus?" he repeated, quizzically. He had no idea what he was in for. The moment we pulled into the city and Oliver saw the enormous colorful buildings he exclaimed "GAYGUS!" excitedly. He knew that this must be where we were headed.

We decided to have dinner at P.F. Chang's. This is Oliver and Rian by the big wooden horse, while we were waiting for our table.

Oliver and Rian on a little walk.

Oliver LOVED the noodles, and went after them with great gusto.

Next we went on a walk through the beautiful Bellagio.

There are beautiful glass-blown sculptures on the ceiling of the lobby. Oliver found them very fascinating.

Right inside the hotel there is a gorgeous conservatory with flowers and fountains galore.

This fountain had leaping streams of water. Rian was obsessed with catching one of the streams of water mid-leap. He managed to do so, and I figured I better validate his efforts by including the picture on the blog.

Oliver and I looking at the weird sideways disembodied head statue.

The most beautiful chandelier in the world.

Oliver in a multi-mirrored box.

At the big aquarium tanks in Caesar's Palace.

Couldn't resist taking a picture of the eBay slot machines we saw while passing through one of the casinos.

At the Mandalay Bay aquarium.

The Luxor.

Oliver and Rian in front of The Luxor. You can see them, so tiny in the left corner. Look how huge it is! Everything in Vegas is just out of control.

Oliver drumming with his chopsticks at The Noodle Shop.

Funny face.

Him and those noodles...

I regret that we didn't get more pictures of our adventures there. I think we may be going back to do more "research" next week...if so, I'll be sure to have the camera at the ready so I may more fully document Vegas Excursion, version two.

Ever since arriving home, Oliver has asked us several times a day to go back to "Gaygus". Seems like he really liked it. He is related to Rian and I, after all. :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oliver and Mommy

Pictures of Oliver and I together are rare, as I'm generally the photographer. The sunlight was coming through our big living room windows perfectly this afternoon, so I decided to try to grab a couple.

This was all I could get, but it's better than nothing, heh.

I just LOVE the look on his face, lol! Priceless.

Pizza Adventures

We made pizza this evening for dinner. Oliver was WAY into the making of the dough {well...mostly into the playing with the flour, you know how it goes}. I caught a couple of cute shots:

He was so "busy" he couldn't even look up at me for a picture.

Yep, that shirt USED to be black.

Enjoy the of his labors.

Messy face!

Family Pictures - November 2008

We had Opie from OpieFoto do some family pictures in November. We shot on location at the Salt Lake City Library. It was a fun location and she did a wonderful job. I just remembered that we forgot to post them! So without further adieu...

Best family picture we have so far.

Oliver and mom reading.

Completely candid. Oliver had fallen and hurt himself, and came to me for comfort.

Commanding his loyal subjects.

He makes my freaking heart melt.

I love the architecture in this shot.

Coolest family picture ever. Opie is SUPER talented.

Oliver with daddy.

Another amazing shot.

Mommy and Oliver.

King of the castle.

We love Opie, and plan on using her for family pictures again later this year!