Monday, August 20, 2007

Adventures in Wetness -- Park City

We went to Park City this last weekend for a family reunion type thingy. The only place we managed to get many pictures was in the pool...and man did we get a lot of pictures there! Something like 150. In the interest of not inundating you with 150 pictures, here are the best dozen or so:

In the hotel room, getting burped by daddy after a very nice second-lunch.

Ready to go swimming!

Oooh, what is this wet stuff?

Exploring the water with mama.

Just chillin' with daddy.

Daddy, I can't float yet! I am too little!

You are so not funny, mom.

Okay, maybe just a little funny.

Taking a little dip.

I love my daddy!

So tired from all of this swimming!

Mommy wraps me up nice and warm.

Let's do that again!

And a little video, just for the fun of it:

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