Sunday, September 30, 2007

Oli At The Doc - 4 month Checkup

Oliver had his 4 month "well child" checkup on September 11th. Even though this is now several weeks later, I thought I'd record some details as it will be fun to look back on in the future.

Oliver was 18 lbs 4 oz at this checkup, which put him in the 91st percentile for weight. As far as height goes, he was between 28 and 29 inches, which put him off the charts! I can't believe how quickly he is growing. The doctor said that he is extremely alert and responsive for his age, and very social. He was all giggles and smiles for the doctor, trying to grab his hands and pull them into his mouth, and even getting his fingers entangled in the doctor's hair when he bent his head too close. He's also very strong and coordinated. I couldn't be more proud and happy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your four month old is not far behind my one year old little squirt. Jeffrey weighed in at 19 lbs. and 7 oz. at his one year check-up and 29 in. tall. It amazes me. At least we both have healthy very very good looking boys.