Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Halloween Treats from Grandma J!

We got a package in the mail today from Grandma J! Oliver tried to grab it right away and shove it into his mouth. Thankfully I was able to wrestle it away from him and get it unwrapped so he could see what was inside. looks like Grandma J sent me a card...

Let's see what it says!

Oh silly me! I cannot read!

Mommy, will you read it to me?

Thank you for the card Grandma J! I liked it!

Yipee! Grandma sent me an awesome shirt!

How did she know I was a night owl? Mama must have told on me!

Ooooh what's this?

Cookies for me! Thanks Grandma, you shouldn't have.

Hmm, how do I get into these?

They don't taste so great, mama and dada can have them.

Thanks for the cute package, Grandma J!!

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