Saturday, February 23, 2008

Valentine's Day

Rian and I are not too keen on V-day. I mean, why do we need a specific day to be sweet to each other? We are sweet to each other all the time! The past few years we've dubbed it Verygoodfriendentine's Day, and had people over for a home cooked meal and some good old-fashioned hanging out. This year we had our friends Brent and Tina over, with their little girl Kirra. Kirra is about a month younger than Oliver. They are going to grow up to be great friends, I'm sure of it!

Oliver was very inquisitive about Kirra, and Kirra was very excited about Oliver. She was shaking from excitement and tugging on his clothes and touching his face. He was staring at her inquisitively with his head cocked to one side. Then all at once he smiled and leaned over and gave her a big kiss. It was SO CUTE. Made my heart melt.

Here are some pictures of them playing together.

Kirra + Oliver = BFFs!

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